NSCG have partnered with the University of Manchester to conduct a research project to explore people’s feelings and perceptions when at work, and we would love for you to be involved.
If you would like to take part in the study, you would be asked to complete a confidential online questionnaire hosted on Qualtrics. You would be asked to complete the same questionnaire on a total of three separate occasions, each roughly one week apart. The questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please note, the questionnaire/survey will not collect your IP address.
If you would like further information regarding the study, please see the below documents:
If you would like to take part, the link to the survey is here: https://www.qualtrics.manchester.ac.uk/jfe/form/SV_40M1JSxp6d51cHA
The closing date for the survey will be Friday 5th July 2024. Please distribute this link to others who may be interested in taking part, to help us build a meaningful dataset.
If you have any further questions, please contact Georgia Cooper-Taylor directly.