What if everything we know about hiring is wrong?

It’s uncomfortable to think that some of the foundations our talent acquisition and human resources functions are built on are fundamentally wrong.

Fact… Someone’s experience and the school they attended are the least reliable data points in predicting whether they’ll be a great employee in your organisation. No think about the processes you and your organisations follow when hiring new people, how heavily does your organisation rely on CV’s in their decision-making process?

So… How do you make accurate hiring decisions?

If the answer isn’t found in CV’s or academic certificates, where does it lie?

To understand how to identify What Great Looks Like™ for the roles your hiring, we need to adopt a psychological and scientific approach.

In this eBook you’ll discover real world examples of our biases in recruiting talent from the football field to the boardroom, along with the science and data that demonstrates how to mitigate them.

We also provide detail of one of the methodologies we have found can help you find, assess and most importantly predict the performance of new talent.

Download our Hiring eBook now.

We offer tailored solutions to match the people challenge you’re facing. To find out more, please get in touch.


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