Julia Croé

Julia Croé

Associate Consultant

I am a associate consultant within the leadership consulting team at NSCG.

What experience and expertise do you bring to your role?

Having a background in Psychology (BSc) and Organisational Psychology (MSc), as well as experience working with a variety of clients on opportunities across their entire talent lifecycle (e.g., hiring, development, leadership, culture), I bring both theoretical knowledge and practical experience to any new client challenge or opportunity related to their talent.

What are your thoughts on the future of your sector? 

I believe that data-driven talent insights and decisions will gain even more relevance as the world of work keeps undergoing massive changes and innovations that will have an impact on how we work, how we use technology, and how roles and organisations continue to evolve.

What do you enjoy outside of work? Any hobbies? 

I always enjoy spending time with friends and family to recharge, I love to travel and I’m a passionate foodie who is always exploring new restaurants and bakeries (or you’ll find me cooking and baking myself).

What’s your go-to productivity trick? 

Breaking down all the projects and tasks on my to-do list into smaller goals and prioritising those in advance helps me to have a more structured approach and to get them done more efficiently. For anyone who is interested in productivity, I’d recommend taking a look at Cal Newport’s differentiation of missions, projects and daily goals.

How do you prefer to start your day? 

I like to start my day with a walk or workout, coffee and a good podcast or music – it always helps me to feel awake, ready and energised for the day!

What was your first job? 

I worked as a waitress in a cafe in a German castle when I was in high school (although ”castle” definitely sounds more grand and impressive than it was).

What’s the best advice you were ever given? 

You’re on your own path and trajectory. You don’t have to follow the path, timeline or dreams of anyone else.