Ed McEwan

Ed McEwan


I’m a Partner working in our Leadership Consulting team. I advise C-suite executives to make better people decisions using insights and data to achieve their desired business outcomes.

What experience and expertise do you bring to your role?

I work with executives in the Energy & Natural Resources, Utilities and Manufacturing sectors, with clients who are undergoing large-scale transformation.

How are you helping people to achieve their full potential?

By providing executives and their teams with more talent data, development takes place in a targeted, structured manner, allowing leaders to have a greater impact in their roles quicker.

If the leaders in an organisation are collectively developing in the right areas, we have found this leads to measurable improvements to organisational performance.

What are your thoughts on the future of your sector?

Productivity is becomingly an increasingly important question for lots of the leaders I work with (“how do I do more with less”).

Equally, companies in the sectors I operate within are undergoing major change as they move towards a carbon zero future. Here questions centre on how the C-suite can find, organise, upskill and retain the right talent to ‘keep the lights on’, whilst simultaneously pivoting towards a more sustainable future.

What do you enjoy outside of work? Any hobbies?

Reading, watching sports (any) and I’m currently trying to learn German – very slowly…

What’s your go-to productivity trick?

Trying to tackle the hardest things in my day first and turning off notifications when I’m trying to concentrate – I learned this trick from Johann Hari’s ‘Stolen Focus’.

How do you prefer to start your day?

With lots of coffee.

What was your first job?

A ‘Mixologist’ in a provincial Midland’s cocktail bar.

What’s the best advice you were ever given?

Invest in Yourself.

What’s your top three podcasts/books?

I find it difficult to digest information from Podcasts, but love reading:

Top 3 books I’ve read recently:

  • Playing to Win – A.G. Lafley and Roger L. Martin
  • Politics On the Edge – Rory Stewart
  • Chip War – Chris Miller